Amanda Bossard net worth

In 1992, just after graduating from high school, Amanda Bossard started her education in marine biology atAlaska Pacific University, Anchorage in Alaska. Bossard's career began in 1999 when she was offered a position on the F/V Sunset. The 65-foot halibut boat was turned into a tender for salmon by Murat Ariatn, who is a commercial fisherman for over twenty years. Bossard and Aritan are married now and are working together to stake their claim to their industry. They both believe in saving as well as profiting from natural resources that are used in the seafood industry. Otolith launched its direct market wholesale distributorship in Philadelphia when Bossard came back from her home home with her two daughters, Bella 3 years old and Andre 1year old, to Philadelphia. Its name is an affectionate reminder of her intimate understanding of fish biology and her husband's extensive involvement with the fishing industry, frequently keeping them from each other for 5 months or longer as they work towards economic and environmental objectives that are a reflection of their individuality and dedication to the community in which they call home. Bossard along with her two children Andre 10, and Isabella 12 make their annual return to Southeast Alaska as deckhands to collect wild salmon in the summer. Hooks and lines are used to capture their salmon after which they join Aritan to sell to local processors for a period of two months. After that, they increase their direct seafood market via Otolith Sustainable Seafood. Amanda Bossard has been an anchor/MMJ on News 12 The Bronx since November of 2015, and for News 12 Brooklyn. She is passionate about reporting on the positive things that happen within the boroughs she covers as well as telling stories that create an impression.

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